Spread the Liberty RIGGED: Washoe County Registrar of Voters Own Data
RIGGED: Washoe County Registrar of Voters Own Data
Spread the LibertyIn 2020, We saw the pandemic occur, and in March, record numbers of ballots were ordered across the country. States implemented vote-by-mail schemes under the guise of safety, social distancing, etc. States created new laws leading up to the elections that were liberty-killing and going against our very constitutions. Here in Nevada, under […]
REJECT LGBTQ+’s Perverse Political Agenda & Culture
Spread the LibertyPart One: Next Year’s Gay Pride Parades? CELEBRATE Homosexuals’ Constitutional Rights REJECT LGBTQ+’s Perverse Political Agenda & Culture by Paul D. White There’s a difference between supporting equal rights under the law for homosexual men and women, and supporting the perverse, self-serving, and nation-destroying agenda and practices of the LGBTQ+ political movement. It’s […]
Nevada Question 1 November 2022 “Equality of Rights Amendment” is a DISASTER!
Spread the Liberty Jeanine Hansen of Nevada Families for Freedom, joined me to discuss how dangerous Question 1 will be if it’s enacted by Nevada voters in November. It’s not about “equality” – it never is. Looks innocuous enough, but it isn’t. “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by […]
Edwin Lyngar: Washoe Democrat County Commissioner Candidate
Spread the LibertyVote for Republican Jeanne Herman Quote from Edwin Lyngar: Democrat County Commissioner Candidate “I view the sexual fetish of Jesus hanging half naked on the cross as Crucifixion Porn, exemplified in movies such as The Passion of the Christ by delightful Christian Mel Gibson. Somewhere in the world someone is masturbating to this image at this exact moment. The worst part […]
Electing Reno’s Next Mayor – Two Distinctly Different Choices
Spread the Libertyby George “Eddie” Lorton In less than 12 weeks, Reno voters will select our next mayor. The differences between myself and my opponent – termed-out mayor Hillary Schieve – could not be greater. It all comes down to one question: Have Schieve’s 10 years as mayor taken Reno in the right direction? I […]
What Do The 2020 Election Rejection Resolutions Actually Mean Long-Term?
Spread the LibertyTopic: Leadership By US ARMY Military Intelligence Captain Seth Keshel I have become quite fond lately of posting updated county maps (courtesy of Florida patriot Shane Skinner) showing the progress of county (or county equivalent) Republican Parties passing resolutions declaring the 2020 election to be invalid, and the “elected” President illegitimate. The most […]
Tarkanian: Rogue GOP Faction Aims to Elect Democrats in Nevada… Again
Spread the LibertyPhoto courtesy of Las Vegas Sun By Brittany Sheehan RED STATE As Nevada’s Republican Party pushes to unify, a rogue faction has emerged with the goal of betraying the GOP base to elect Democrats. “Republicans for Ford” is a coalition of 13 Republicans refusing to back the GOP nominee, Sigal Chattah, in the […]
PASSED: WCRCC Resolution To Decertify 2020 Election Washoe County, Nevada
Spread the LibertyNEVADA LIBERTY DATA POINT: This resolution passed to thunderous applause by the members, with just ONE low information voter against.. The Republican Party of Washoe County, Nevada formally rejects the results of the 2020 Presidential Election, and we hold that acting president Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people […]
A Call to Support Election Integrity
Spread the LibertyNEVADA LIBERTY READER SUBMITTED EDITORIAL I have witnessed the tireless and selfless efforts and unabashed heroism displayed by the likes of General Flynn and Simone Gold on the national level and Robert Beadles and Joey Gilbert on the local level, among other strong patriots who work to fix the indisputably single largest problem […]
Rigging the War on Fossil Fuels
Spread the LibertyDavid Horowitz and John Perazzo With the 2022 midterm elections less than four months away, a New York Times/Siena College poll revealed that just 1 percent of registered voters viewed climate change as a “top priority,” let alone the most important issue facing the nation. The poll placed climate change far behind concerns about inflation, the economy, […]
Right of Suffrage No More. Nevada’s Unconstitutional & Discriminatory Elections
Spread the LibertyA NEVADA LIBERTY DOCUMENTARY. PART 1 of 5: Nevada’s Unconstitutional and Discriminatory Elections By DesertRat July 26, 2022 Voting in-person is a show of national pride. The county provides “I Voted!” stickers so patriots can boast that they’ve cast their ballot. The duty to vote is known as a “right of suffrage”. Women […]
Two Clowns on the Radio Show
Spread the LibertyNEVADA LIBERTY READER SUBMITTED EDITORIAL By the Election Integrity Group I personally think it was a very funny show. I laughed to tears. While some folks were very upset and disappointed about the comments those two individuals on the show tried to articulate, I actually think this is the best thing […]
An Unauthorized Tour of Washoe County’s $17M Dangerously Failing Homeless Program
Spread the LibertyWhat the Public Will Never Get a Chance to See…and Why by Paul D. White I recently contacted the Washoe County department that oversees its homeless facilities. I requested a public tour of their new 46,000 square- foot, 900 resident-capacity homeless tent off of 4th Street, known as the “CARES Campus.” My request […]
The Real Cindy Martinez..
Spread the LibertySOURCED FROM A NEVADA LIBERTY READER SUBMITTED TIP: Resigned Washoe County GOP Vice Chair, “Vote Harder Next Time Cindy Martinez” had a very bad day on Monday July 18, 2022. Martinez’s live radio debut turned into a smoldering dumpster fire when each radio show caller disagreed with her disingenuous, vapid, uniparty narrative and […]
Steve Bannon: Great Reset & War for the World: Alex Jones
Spread the Liberty In The Great Reset: And the War for the World, the most controversial man on earth Alex Jones gives you a full analysis of The Great Reset, the global elite’s international conspiracy to enslave humanity and all life on the planet. If you really want to know what’s happening in the world, […]