2020 Decertification Resolution
America First

What Do The 2020 Election Rejection Resolutions Actually Mean Long-Term?

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Topic: Leadership

By US ARMY Military Intelligence Captain Seth Keshel

I have become quite fond lately of posting updated county maps (courtesy of Florida patriot Shane Skinner) showing the progress of county (or county equivalent) Republican Parties passing resolutions declaring the 2020 election to be invalid, and the “elected” President illegitimate.  The most recent post from two nights ago was this map, showing 275 of 3,143 county equivalents having passed such a resolution.  That is nearly nine percent of all counties, but that number is overly generous because of the contribution of Texas’s 254 counties by a single act of state Republican party delegates.

2020 Decertification Resolution
2020 Decertification Resolution

When I make such a post, I am generally met with replies of “what does this mean?” or “does it even do anything?”  Well, I promised this post, and I hope that in reading it, it is understood that while the weight of such a resolution has limited impact today, it doesn’t prove meaningless.

The biggest obstacles for the MAGA Party (Trump Republicans) being used as a vehicle to a freer nation via the prescribed, political solutions, are RINOs (Republicans in Name Only).  They are the ones, like Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, or Adam Kinzinger, who celebrate the 2020 election as the safest, most secure election of all time, even though it is riddled with obvious fraud and illegal activities, many of which began months before the election when state executives circumvented their legislatures to impose mail-in elections on states ill-equipped to manage such an election (and that is if one believes mail-in elections should even be legal in the first place).

As seen in the ongoing Arizona Republican primary, RINOs refuse to let go of the levers of power and will stoop to any low in order to maintain their stranglehold on the people.  The most authentic political candidates of this cycle have been ardent voices in decrying the fraudulent election of 2020.  Presuming it is a political solution people want (it should be), it goes without saying that candidates should call a spade a spade and accurately portray the true magnitude of the 2020 steal.

As more counties sign on to this, they are creating a hostile work environment for any aspiring RINOs, who will be forced by party positions to acknowledge and thereby be forced to defend their beliefs as to why 2020 in not a certifiable election if they desire to have inclusion in and the support of the county or state party in question.

Should this catch on as it is in Wisconsin in other states, RINOs who want to accept the 2020 election as something to be moved on from and put in the rear-view mirror will be without a home and forced to decide about the merits of sitting on the fence regarding our most critical political issue.

Think of it as a statement of faith.  You either publicly acknowledge something that is easily provable and demonstrable, or you aren’t welcome here.  Put up the “not welcome” sign in enough places, and you’ll find precious little room for RINO candidates and ideologues.