The Handler. Behind-the-Scenes Washoe County Political Puppetry
☭ "Dignity Index" Alexis Hill America First Clara Andriola is a Democrat Eric Brown Failed Leadership Joe Lombardo Mariluz Garcia Washoe County Washoe GOP Chairman Bruce Parks

THE HANDLER: Unveiling the Enigma.. The Washoe County Political Handler Chronicles

  UPDATED: 28NOV23 6:30PM What motivated Clara Andriola, Washoe County Democrat, to seek out and present “The Dignity ☭ Index / Pledge” to the County Commission, wasting $3500 dollars on this taxpayer-funded presentation? This initiative, characterized as a group manipulation, a gnostic, censorial, anti-free speech endeavor with elements of peer pressure and progressive psychological operations, […]

Andriola Reid
☭ "Dignity Index" America First Clara Andriola is a Democrat Nevada Liberty On Your Side Tracey Hilton-Thomas Washoe GOP Chairman Bruce Parks

PERFECT TOGETHER: Clara Andriola, Joe Lombardo, The Elections Group, Eric Brown and UniParty Rigged Elections

** DISCOVER THE NETWORKS.. Who are The Elections Group AND WHY ARE THEY PARTNERED WITH ZUCKERBERG’S CTCL? Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo appointed Washoe County Commissioner Clara Andriola who immediately voted with the two Democrat Washoe County Commissioners to hire out of state Elections Group for $600k just after being sworn in to “Bidenize“ the Washoe […]