Edwin Lyngar
America First

Edwin Lyngar: Washoe Democrat County Commissioner Candidate

Spread the Liberty

Vote for Republican Jeanne Herman

Quote from Edwin Lyngar: Democrat County Commissioner Candidate

“I view the sexual fetish of Jesus hanging half naked on the cross as Crucifixion Porn, exemplified in movies such as The Passion of the Christ by delightful Christian Mel Gibson.  Somewhere in the world someone is masturbating to this image at this exact moment.  The worst part is the incessant demand by Christians that we all stare at this ghastly fiction and feel bad!  Jesus suffered, and we should all give a flying fuck.  But I do not.”

Reference: http://web.archive.org/web/20111112171813/http://www.armchairblasphemy.com/?p=234

Lefty Lungar Lyngar

Lefty Lungar Lyngar Wants To Grab Our Guns?