America First

A Call to Support Election Integrity

Spread the Liberty


I have witnessed the tireless and selfless efforts and unabashed heroism displayed by the likes of General Flynn and Simone Gold on the national level and Robert Beadles and Joey Gilbert on the local level, among other strong patriots who work to fix the indisputably single largest problem facing Washoe County, the state of Nevada, and the United States of America: election integrity, or more accurately, the pervasive and profound lack thereof. They understand all too clearly that if we do not fix our fraudulent system, our Constitutional Republic will disintegrate. They are 100% correct, and it is why so many love Trump.

Prove me wrong!

In contrast, I have witnessed the cowardice, selfishness, and unabashed betrayals of the likes of Paul Ryan and Liz Cheney on a national level and Nicol Herris, Cindy Martinez, and Sandra Linares and other timid RINOs on the local level who work to maintain the current lack of election integrity. It is as if they want a new party: the “Club Girl” party, perhaps to be led by Herris manipulating the CGs in the shadows, because they apparently like things the way they were under the disgraced Michael Kadenancy when the leaders could be royalty and the people could be left to eat cake. They are 100% wrong, and it is why so many despise Pence.

Prove me wrong!

Anyone with even the smallest lick of sense knows that the newbies to the WCRCC joined it to help affect change, not to maintain what was then the status quo. The maintenance of the status quo is largely responsible for the disaster we find ourselves in today, and therefore, an immediate reversal of course back to adherence of fundamental constitutional principles is desperately needed and most certainly is being demanded by those who never were politically involved. The wishy-washy go-along-to-get along attitude of the GOP of Grandma and Grandpa’s era failed us all. For today, we find ourselves in the era of MAGA – America First. It is high time we buck up and face this reality.

Prove me wrong!

If you are not willing to do everything you can to support the restoration, if not implementation for the first time ever of election integrity, go away and join the democrats and their RINO brethren. They need more detractors of this effort simply because for the first time in a very long time, their duplicitous treachery has been forced out from their dark snake den into the bright light of day, and it may very well be uprooted and ended for good. In any case, you would almost certainly feel far more comfortable among the liars and cheaters they always attract. Make a choice: get with the program or get out! 

Prove me wrong!


A Citizen of America