Gynocracy Fail
America First

FAILURES: Susan Enfield, SVB & Joe Biden: Brought To You By The Gynocracy

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America First Alerts


It’s the end of the road for third-wave feminism, folks. And I don’t mean that in a sympathetic or empathetic way. As Camila Paglia, one of the most vocal critics of third-wave feminism, once said, “Feminism has betrayed women, alienated men, and women have betrayed themselves.” And as I look around at the current state of affairs, I can’t help but think that she’s right.

The third wave of feminism began in the 1990s, and while it brought some important changes and advancements, it also brought with it a lot of absurdity and hypocrisy. Feminists of this era were obsessed with things like “toxic masculinity,” “the patriarchy,” and “rape culture.” They championed things like “sex-positive feminism,” which basically just meant that they wanted to be able to sleep around as much as men did without being judged for it.

But now, as we enter the 2020s, it’s becoming increasingly clear that third-wave feminism is floundering. The movement has become a parody of itself, and it’s not hard to see why. For one thing, the language that third-wave feminists use is ridiculous. They insist on calling each other “womxn” instead of “women” because they think the word “woman” is somehow oppressive. They talk about “heteronormativity” and “cisgender privilege” as if these are things that the average person can even understand, let alone relate to.

And then there are the absurd demands. Third-wave feminists want everything to be about them, all the time. They want “trigger warnings” on everything, so that they don’t have to be confronted with anything that might make them uncomfortable. They want “safe spaces” where they can go to avoid anyone who doesn’t agree with them. They want to be able to wear whatever they want without anyone looking at them, and they want to be able to say whatever they want without anyone challenging them.

But perhaps the biggest problem with third-wave feminism is that it’s become a gynocracy. That’s right, a gynocracy. As Paglia has pointed out, “Women have never been more completely in charge of their own destiny, and yet they have never been more discontented or angrier at men.” Third-wave feminists have created a world where men are constantly demonized and punished for the smallest transgressions. They’ve made it so that women are always the victims, and men are always the oppressors.

But the problem with creating a gynocracy is that it’s not sustainable. It’s not possible to build a society where one gender is always in charge and the other is always oppressed. It’s a recipe for disaster, and we’re starting to see the cracks in the foundation.

For one thing, men are starting to push back. They’re tired of being told that they’re inherently evil just because they were born with a Y chromosome. They’re tired of being punished for things that they didn’t do, and they’re tired of being demonized for things that are completely out of their control. And as men start to push back, the entire gynocracy begins to crumble.

But it’s not just men who are pushing back. Women are starting to realize that third-wave feminism isn’t doing them any favors, either. They’re tired of being told that they’re weak and helpless victims who need protection from everything. They’re tired of being told that they’re not allowed to have any opinions that don’t fit the feminist narrative. And they’re tired of being told that they have to hate men just because they’re women.

So what’s going to happen to third-wave feminism? Well, it’s hard to say for sure, but I have a feeling that it will continue to crumble under its own weight. It’s not sustainable to create a society where one gender is always the victim and the other is always the oppressor. It’s not healthy to create an environment where men are constantly demonized and punished, and women are told that they are helpless victims who need protection from everything. The reality is that men and women are different, and we should celebrate those differences, not try to erase them.

One of the biggest problems with third-wave feminism is that it’s become so extreme that it’s alienating a lot of people who might otherwise be sympathetic to its goals. For example, many people support equal pay for equal work, but they don’t support the idea that men should be punished for simply being men. Many people support the idea that women should be able to make their own reproductive choices, but they don’t support the idea that men are somehow responsible for all the world’s problems.

Another problem with third-wave feminism is that it’s become so focused on identity politics that it’s lost sight of its original goals. The movement was supposed to be about achieving equality for women, but now it’s more about achieving power for certain groups of women. For example, third-wave feminists often talk about “intersectionality,” which means that they want to create a hierarchy of oppression where some groups of women are more oppressed than others. This is a far cry from the original goal of achieving equality for all women.

So what’s the solution? Well, I think the solution is to go back to the basics. We need to focus on achieving true equality for all people, regardless of gender, race, or any other factor. We need to celebrate the differences between men and women, not try to erase them. We need to acknowledge that men and women are both capable of being good or bad, and that we should judge people based on their actions, not their gender.

In conclusion, the last days of third-wave feminism are upon us. The movement has become a parody of itself, and it’s time to move on to something better. We need to focus on achieving true equality for all people, and we need to celebrate the differences between men and women, not try to erase them. It’s time to leave behind the flailing gynocracy and create a better world for everyone.



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