Joey Gilbert & Robert Beadles
America First

VIDEO: Joey Gilbert & Robert Beadles 28JUN22

Spread the Liberty

Art of Fact

Art of Fact

Operation Sunlight


So, we’re, hey, everybody. It’s Joey Gilbert. We’re just saying what’s up. Wanna get everybody on here. Got some updates. Got some stuff going down in the Silver State that I think everybody needs to hear about. Um some housekeeping matters first. I’ll let Beatles give us a little rundown of what we’re doing but just just so everybody’s crystal clear. I’m I am I’m contesting the election Um I’m I’m contesting the the results, you know, and for various reasons, you guys have seen the stuff I put out there but you know, I think what’s really important that everybody needs to to remember is that I always said when I was going to run that I was running on a on a platform of integrity, of transparency, and that no matter what, I’m going to get to the bottom of this stuff and I’m, you know, I’m I make my promises. I keep my promises. So, I’m not ready to go anywhere yet. want some accountability. I want to find out what’s really happening. And so that’s what we’re going to do. And there’s lots of stuff. Folks that are joining us that are watching can do to be part of this. Number one you can start with, you know, calling it out there. And a lot of people know that there was some games and some tomfoolery, some Ballyhoo, some shenanigans in our elections. We’ve got it documented. Um we’ve spent you know tons of time. Uh tons of of energy and efforts. Uh you know I I was running a race Beatles was doing what he needed to do and we have had, you know, concerns pouring in from across the state on on how these elections were run. Not to mention the fact, we didn’t have a register of voters here in in Reno in Washoe County but lots of stuff going on. So, Beatles, you want to jump in and and give a little recap of what you’ve been doing the last week? Uh the last week, man, I wouldn’t even know where to start but just to get people kind of the rundown and in a nutshell of of what we’ve been doing period. Um what we also it happened in twenty twenty, right? We saw that a lot of people that said that they were going to do things to right the wrongs. Stuff like that. Uh they all fell short. Uh for whatever reasons. Um we decided to put together an incredible team in Nevada and figure out exactly what happened in twenty twenty. And see who did what, how they did it, all that kind of stuff. So we did that. and then, of course, the press and the media, you know, started quickly attacking me, calling me some kind of crazy election, you know, truth or well, again, I don’t know what’s wrong with the truth. So, that’s that’s for another, that’s for another, you know, show I guess so quickly what we did was we put together a a 30 000 dollar bounty to to prove us wrong. So, we put 30000 bucks up or I put 30000 bucks up to to say. Wait, wait, by the way, nobody’s taken yet. No one’s proving it. No, it’s left. It’s there. Pile of 30 grand for those for some of you you haters and doubters out there. 30 grands. I want to see you take Beatles money. Um prove him wrong. That would be fantastic. Be the first time I see him wrong since I met him. So, I’m really eager about that but So, I want to bring some up. We’ve also put a reward out there. Anybody, listen, this this is to my union guys out there, people that have been working in these places for a long time. You’ve seen corruption. You know what’s going down. You know what happened. You have it documented. I spoke to people. I said, listen, you know, keep all insurance policy. Record some of this stuff. If you saw vote switching, vote flipping, ballots, any anything that you know to be wrong and you have documentation of it. We want it and we, you know, I will personally make sure that you have the hesitation you need is a is from a from a legal side and Beatles has got some reward money for you. So, that’s where we’re at but I’m sorry for for jumping in there but I just want to say that, there’s a $30, 000 reward if you could prove em wrong and a $25, 000 reward if you can provide us with the goods to smoking gun. Yeah. So, you know, that that $30000 dollar reward that that I put out there was to basically shut up the press because they’re the ones that are always saying that, you know, we’re we’re wrong, right? So, if we’re wrong prove it, and come get the money. And guess what? They just stopped talking about it. So, we’ve had plenty of people try to take the money and then, they all find out that oh my god, they’re telling the truth. Hello. So, anyways, we we figured out how they did it. We figured out who did it. We figured out what they were going to do again and we put together a team of the most incredible volunteers as well as paid resources, surveillance people, you name it and the two largest counties in Nevada, right? So, Clark County, Washoe County. We documented the entire election process from before it started, during, after, from inside the ROVs to outside, to the polling places, and we quickly found that it was one of the most incompetent at best elections that you could possibly have, and probably a Banana Republic type setting. I mean, we were we in Washoe County, have like zero chain of custody on a, on any ballot, right? So, basically, you’re an attorney, you know what that means in a legal proceeding, a legal case. If you don’t have chain of custody, you don’t have a case Well, basically, all of our ballots don’t have a chain of custody. We didn’t even have an ROV that was there running the elections, right? We showed that the we have people that came forward that proved on video everything else that we have the EMS or the voting machine system basically connected to the internet, right? We had SISA come out like just two weeks before and say that there’s all these vulnerabilities and these voting machines. We have so much stuff. It’s it’s not even, it’s not even funny. We documented this in both counties. We then put the information to the Secretary of State, the county commissioners, the AG, the district attorneys, the Register of Voters, our our attorneys put together, you know, basically, you know, our findings, showing how you can’t certify this, you can’t certify the election. We knew they were going to do it anyways, and they did. They certified it. So, we’re still waiting to see if the Secretary of State certifies it, but they probably will as well. Um, and the way that Nevada is set up is there’s a very small window to contest, or to do a recount in the elections. And we can quickly see that these races were heavily manipulated. We could quickly see that these numbers just don’t jive. There’s all kinds of issues with them. They made no sense. And and they hold back the data. The registered voters holds back the data. So they’re literally telling all of us to trust what they say and verify nothing. Like I like I continue to say. It’s like Joey make me the most incredible cake on the planet. And then after you make it then I will give you the recipe. It it doesn’t make any sense. And that’s what they do. They don’t give us the that we need. So, after it gets certified, then, we start getting some data and then, we’re quickly able to see all that tomfoolery that you called it within these the data that they dump and so, we’ve already been able to prove that Joey won this race and he won it in spectacular fashion. They’re having to steal it and they’re they did steal it obviously and now, it’s part of the cover up but here’s the thing, we caught ’em, alright? So, we we’ve documented the entire election process. We can show that it was run corruptly at worst, incompetently, Best. We can show that Joey won and so now, what we’re doing is we’re doing a recount and so we’re doing a recount and it’s still fluid because we just literally before this before we got on the on the video together here, I was working with the attorneys as well as the Secretary of State and and the attorneys for for the counties and it it’s very fluid. We did the demand. We’re asking for a recount for for numerous candidates. We have tons of candidates that want to jump on board and be part of the recount and expose things. Uh but we’re waiting to see exactly what they’re going to do. Right now, it looks like they’re trying to be like thieves and literally charge the same amount for literally like your race versus somebody that only had four or 5000 votes in their race. Makes, it’s, it’s completely asinine. So, we’re going through the the price I guess the bartering if there’s even any allowed. Plus, now we’re figuring out through the the recount if we’re able to target just two counties for you or if we have to do the entire state because you’re a statewide candidate. So, we’re going through all this type of stuff right now and here’s one of the attorneys calling right now. So, we’re going through all this type of stuff. It’s very fluid. Tomorrow, we should have finality with how the recount’s going to work. After the recount, well, during the recount, it, the way it’s going to be held, if it’s stays the way that they’ve been held in the past, is it’s going to show that we’re wrong. It’s literally going to show that well, we used these machines to count the votes originally, and we’re going to use these same machines to count the votes again. What do you think is going to happen Well, hello. You’re going to you’re going to see probably worse results because if you have, let’s just say broken machines at best, the Canada in the first place and now, you use the same broken machines at best to recount them again. What do you think is going to happen? You’re going to get the same or a worse result and then the media will say, oh, Beatles is wrong. You know, this is, you know, see, there was no shenanigans, whatever. But unless we’re able to actually meaningfully recount these ballots. It’s like, it’s like in when you prove something from a theory to a fact, you have to show it in different experiments. You can’t drop a bowling ball and then say, see, there’s gravity. You have to drop a bowling ball and then drop a feather and then drop a coffee cup and drop all these different things and then, of course, you know, do the math, right? To show the gravity is real. It’s a fact. With their recount system, it’s literally, we have a broken system. We’re going to, you know, use the same broken system to show that it’s not broken. It’s ridiculous. So, if we’re able to actually do a hand count, that is going to either show us that the elections are on the up and up or they’re completely on the I was going to say something that’s probably not yeah family friendly. So they’re they’re probably not they’re they’re probably not legitimate, right? It’ll show one or the other if we’re able to conduct the recount in a different manner in which they were originally cast. So that’s going to be a legal battle. That might take some time. Um or maybe they’ll just tell us to, you know, you know, pound sand and we won’t be able to do it at all. Who knows? But the recount is basically just a bias time to put things in place because after the recount, then, we can do what’s called a contest where whoever’s on the recount can do a contest of the actual results in a district court. So, up in Clark County, it’s like district eight down in Washoe. It’s like district two. Those judges and so there, we have a very small window again to present our case and show whether or not we’re right and if we’re, if we’re wrong, well then, we have to pay for all these costs for the other side, for our side. You know, it’s it’s this is a really, really, it’s like an Orwellian system that we have in Nevada. So, long story short, we’ve documented everything. We’ve we can prove right now, clear and convincingly that Joey won. Um and then, we’re just going to just continue to put more things together before we get our dam court. So, everybody that’s that’s watching this is obviously a Gilbert supporter and you’re probably wondering how did Gilbert lose? Well, I can tell you right now, he didn’t. Um and I can and you know, we’re putting that all together right now and it just, it just really goes to show that in Nevada, our vote really doesn’t count and it can either be through incompetence or it can be through corruption, whatever you want to call it, but it’s it’s it’s a sad day but it’s also a day that I think is going to shine a lot of light on the entire system whether the judges are moral, god fearing, and do the right constitutional thing or whether they’re completely corrupt and they basically you know, spit in the face of all of us. Uh we’re going to find all this stuff out because we’re going to be able to prove it all and then, we’re just going to be able to see what they do with the proof, alright? So, that’s that’s kind of where we’re at in a nutshell. So, the the the fight has just begun. Um you know, that you got the people’s champ right there and I can I can tell you that he is not the only one that they stole the election from and this isn’t hyperbole. This isn’t me trying to get clicks or views or any of that kind of stuff. This is the last thing in the world I want to be doing but you know, so many people failed us. I got involved. Um our team that we built. Incredible. They got involved. And where other people have have fallen short, we actually have the goods. We have the receipts. We can prove all this stuff. And so now it’s just going to come down to God. You, everybody out there listening, demanding that your vote counts. Um, and if you want to walk through some of the, the the election tomfoolery that you call it. Uh, you, people have no idea really how bad it is. Hey, Beatles, look in the comments there. I don’t know if you can see it, but Diane Quail is saying, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer showed us his kinematic artifact detection ballot scan results yesterday in Arizona. Maybe he can help us Nevadans. Jovan’s a friend of mine. Uh I talked to him yesterday. I talked to him today and guess who volunteered to run a recount? Everything else. Woo hoo. That’s pretty awesome. Jovan, I think it’s so. I just wanted to bring that up because I knew the answer. Well, yeah. Like I said, man. We have we have a team of the best in the world. This this isn’t like, you know, we have incredible, incredible local people that I just love to death. These people are incredible. We also to basically subsidize them, we also have, you know, like the incredible Bobby Pyton, Edward Solomon, you know, got Joe Vaughan as a resource. You know, we had Shiva in the beginning as a resource. You know, so many incredible people. Roger Fuller, you know, and then our team that’s local. Just I can’t say enough great things about these. It’s a true blessing from god. Um our team is incredible and so, when these people try to lie and you know, deny and all the stuff that they do, our people are so much smarter than them. They really are. Yeah, you know, I want to take I want to pick up where you left off right there and just say this, thank you to everybody who has been in this fight. Thank you to all the the all the volunteers. You know, I was so confident going into election day and you know, as we used to say when I was a fighter in the fight game, you know, you do your homework, you pass the test and I was so fortunate to have so many amazing people working with me, the whole Vegas team, everybody up here in Northern Nevada, you know, we just, we work so hard and you know, some days, as you guys remember, we did six, seven events in a day, which is just unheard of. You know what I mean, getting up from six in the morning and finishing at almost 1 AM and then jumping on a bus or a flight and I couldn’t have done it without everybody and everyone I see in these comments, I recognized names. I see, you know, responses I’m used to. So, I just want to say thank you to everybody that has been helping and people are asking here, Robert, how do we get in contact with you? How do we help in your effort? Do you want to tell ’em best way for you? I mean, it’s it’s it’s our effort, right? So, this is, this is we, the people. Operation Sunlight. com is where we a lot of our local Nevada findings, right? So, we were constantly calling out the corruption there. Um you know, I’m easy to find on Gab. Um I’m part owner of Gab. Um you know, Pill. net, Foxhall, all those types of platforms. I’m part owner there. Um so, you can find me on Gab at just Robert Beatles. That’s easy. Um so, those couple easy ways. Operation Sunlight are on Gab at Robert Beatles. And you know, for people that are saying stuff in here, I’ll just let you know, yes. We have contacted everyone and anyone that’s been involved in this fight. Gary, we’re we out to people every day. We have tons of support, tons of help. You know, one thing everyone can do right now though is hit the share button for me. You know, tag your friends and understand that like still right now, you know, this is going to be a fight and you know, I’ve heard that some people don’t want to give to the Gilbert for governor anymore. We’re we haven’t conceded anything. So, for those people that need to, you know, get a little reassurance. We’re still fighting. You know, I don’t need the the the support for anything else but to bolster our attorneys, our our tech people, the legal, you know, the legal battle we’re going to be in, you know, that’s going to be ensuing. So, by all means, please continue to to support, you know, give what you can and you know, we’re going to have another, I’m I’m actually putting together another website right now that I’ll I’ll be releasing to you guys here shortly but you know, how you get involved? Operation Sunlight, however you want to help, you know, go on the pages, share the pages, share the, you know, the information, and we’ll be putting stuff out and I I think the best thing that we can people talking about is that so many people as I look in the comments here, so many people did not enjoy their experience this this last primary election from being directed to certain machines when they got in, having their name, having their party affiliation called, Republican, and then being, you know, ushered towards certain machines, which was just creepy, to the fact that the secret ballot was destroyed by having all the information on the outside of it, to zero signature verification, to zero chain of custody. Like it just keeps going. On and on. And I’ve seen these videos now. And Beatles, I gotta laugh, man. You put out that Operation Sunlight. and you said, what is this technical guy doing? What the hell was that? I don’t know. Anybody hasn’t seen this yet? Please go on this Operation Sunlight and look, and I was blown away, Beatles said to me an Email, and I click on it, and I’m going to tell you something, I’m a criminal defense attorney. I’ve seen some shady conduct before in my life. If there was ever a guy that was I’m doing something illegal right now. It was this tech guy. So, I’ve got people in the comments saying, you know, was was any tech guys watching this? Oh, yeah. There were people watching this and if you saw this this complete, I can’t say the F word, you know, the word, we’re trying to F this complete, alright, that I’ve ever seen in my life, alright? Shenanigans with a capital S, right? This guy walks in and then he’s doing this backwards walk and he’s looking out the door to see if the person’s there and he back. He looks at the other guy and he sought his over to another machine, does a little something else, then back to the original machine. I don’t know what just happened there but I’m just going to tell you this, common sense is going to tell me that whatever he was doing right there was nefarious, was, was, was not something that we would want him to do, was not something anybody that even at that place wanted him to do. It was, it was, I’m just telling you, Beatles, that was, I was laughing, I meant to call you right after that, but I probably got ADD down and forgot about it, but I was cracking up, just going gotta be kidding me. So, please check out the Operation Sunlight stuff, guys. Share it. Here’s Aaron Jennings Craylick and Elk. She says, Elko was a nightmare. Um it’s it’s it’s unbelievable. It’s it was used in a rubber ducky. Let’s see what else we got here. Just the stuff that’s happened. You know, if you guys want to go in there and continue to provide us with information, Beatles, where do they get the election integrity forms or are those done? Can they still? No, actually. No, we we still have been actually sending those to the Secretary of State because certified the election yet. Um so, let’s see here. I guess the best way to do it would just be if you’re in Washoe County, Email NV like Nevada NV Bull, B U L L like bullpen, NV Bull at Proton Mail. com. Again, NV Bowl at Proton Mail. com for any Washo shenanigans. We’ll send you the form that you fill out. Yup. Uh for Clark. It’s Clark Poles P O L L S. Again, it’s Clark. T O L S at Proton Mail. com. So, those are the two counties that we were monitoring and we, what are we sent in probably close to a thousand affidavits to the Secretary of State showing all the shenanigans? Um there’s no way that you can legally certify this election. Like, what, you don’t even have a register of voters conducting the election. I mean, full stop right there, right? I mean, we got people in in Carr County. Uh moving all the ballots in in the in the ballot bins with out-of-state plates. like this traveling circus of like election workers that, you know, they had like Georgia played, some like Texas, New York, and it’s like, where the hell do these people come from, right? We have no bipartisan people working the elections like, you’re supposed to have an equal amount of like Republicans versus Democrats. We have like the assistant registered voters saying, just like, don’t ask, don’t tell. You know, what do we like, you know, all Democrats, all liberals counting our votes, or temp workers counting our votes, ridiculous, right? So, anyways, that’s just a taste it but what what we’re going to show and I would say over the next month, you know, something like that, maybe sooner. Um we already have the proof now. It’s just, I think the, maybe, maybe, that’s what I normally do. I normally just kind of like open source everything. So, I’ll probably show the proof that Joey won this week on Operation Sunlight and that will allow all the PHDs and all the smartest people out there in the world to attack us, right? That’s what they try to do with the the first post for $30, 000 to prove us wrong. They all ended up saying and these are like even like in Washoe like UNR. We had UNR professors all saying that we’re right. Uh but then they told me they’re like, hey, I can’t say that you’re right because then I lose my job because I work at this, you know, this liberal school, right? So, it’ll be interesting to see if any of these PHDs from the schools up in Clark County or from Washoe or from anywhere, Yale, Harvard, you name it. Um you know, prove like Edward Solomon and all all of our team wrong with what they have proven these facts and so we’ll probably drop Joey’s race within the next week. Alright, so we’ll do that and that’ll get people excited because they’ll see that my god, Joey actually did win and it’s it’s crazy in in the way that they they do it. I put little, little, little teasers up there on on Sunlight just letting people kind of know you know, in in a nutshell what’s going on but leave it to them to kind of, you know, piece it together. Um when you look at the election as a whole, you’ll see what they were doing in Nevada is they were literally injecting votes. Now, you know that you have an issue when you when you literally litter the state with ballots. So, you basically send all these fun coupons across the entire state of Nevada and then, basically, anybody can grab them and fill them out and send them in and if you have nobody doing signature verification, guess what? They’re all going to count as real ballots and guess what? They are real ballots but they’re not cast by legitimate voters. They’re cast by, you know, criminals. So, they inject ballots that way and then for all the hundreds and thousands of people that have been emailing me, showing me that their vote hasn’t been registered yet. It hasn’t counted yet. That’s the other of the formula. They remove votes. They delete votes. So, they, our theory, right now, and our facts that we can prove is they’re injecting votes into the system and they’re deleting legitimate votes. And they’re polling votes from other candidates and giving it to their selected candidates. This is, this is all fact. This isn’t like, no, Beatles is just, you know, making some stuff up. No, this is, this is all stuff that we’ll be showing, and we’re going to show you now to the vote. Um, how much Joey won by within the next week. Um and it’s and and just know that even when I say we’re going to show how much down to the vote he won by it’s still not going to be right. And what do I mean by that? Well when you delete all these ballots, when all these people votes aren’t really counting, and you still have all these fake injected real ballots, the the numbers are never going to, just like Trump told us in 2020 or 2019, you’re never going to know the real result. What we’ll be able to show is that Joey won astronomically, but we’re not going to know the the exact amount by, we’ll just be able to tell you down to the vote with all the she in place, how much he still won by in spite of all the shenanigans. So, look for that in the next 7 days. Absolutely. So, hey, listen everyone. This is just an update of where we’re at. You know, lots of awesome comments here. I just gotta tell everybody this. I’m not going anywhere. Um I’m not giving up. You know, everyone that knows me knows I got in this fight March 2020 to punch back against the tyranny to fight our corrupt governor. Um I don’t I don’t care much for what, you know, the the the guy, the candidate from Vegas They just went against and beat. I don’t really care what he thinks. I don’t care what he what he thinks he’s entitled to. He’s not entitled to **** This is America. Our votes need to count. You know, we’re going to fight for our vote because if we don’t fix our elections right here, right now, it’s over. You know, this cannot go another day. Um another election, and again, you know, as Beatles said, this is, you know, this is in god’s hands but we’re going to fight and you know, we’re going to we’re going to put every effort we can into this and we’ll take it as far as we need to take it. Um this is, there’s no laying down here. There’s no going away and you know, I, well, my, my comment to anybody out there that says, you know, because there’s been a couple people say, oh, you need to just concede and support the other guy and let me tell you something, they made that mistake. They made the mistake of pushing that guy to the front. They knew damn well that guy couldn’t beat Sisolaks. Matter of fact, is is Beatles nine? Man many of us know that’s exactly why they ran him. Because he’s not going to get the black and brown community in Las Vegas. He’s not going to get Latinos. He’s not going to get African Americans. He’s not going to get the Asian community. He’s not. It’s just not going to happen. He’s not going to get the rural community and then you’ve got the independent problem with his stance on guns and in the Second Amendment, you know, this thing is a wrap but they always knew that. So, no, I don’t feel bad. You know, I’m not beholding to the GOP. Um the Republican Party doesn’t own me. I didn’t agree to any of their their BS when I ran. I ran because it was what I most closely identified with but I’m a constitutionalist like Beatles. I’ve been saying that since day one. I was the first guy telling you guys that mandates aren’t laws. I was the first one telling you they couldn’t, you know, shut your business, send your kids home from school, cancel their sports, force to test you, force you to take You know, the the Fauci ouchy we talked. So, I’ve been fighting these guys for two and a half years. So, the way I see it, nothing changes. We’re just going into a new ring. We’re going to do new new shiny arena to take on these same corrupt people and I just want everybody to know, like I said, I’m not going anywhere and you know, you know, other other things that that I can bring up, people said to me, what about Trump? What about Trump? You know, I didn’t need Trump’s help to win this nominate denomination that was proven. We’re going to prove it and I don’t need him to win this election. As a matter of fact, I got issues with President Trump. He’s gotta be accountable for what he let happen with this you know, Fauci ouchy. He let Anthony Fauci mislead him, mislead this country, destroy this country, and I haven’t heard him say, Jack about that. So, until he starts calling for Fauci’s arrest and for the end of this nonsense and for accountability on on destroying our our economy, destroying our country. Um you know, I’m not really, like I said, some of us you know, we I love President Trump. I thought he was amazing. I think, you know, he did a great job with what he had but I don’t belong to the Republican Party. I don’t belong to Trump. I belong to the people of this state. I’m the people’s champ for a reason. I’ll keep fighting for we the people and that’s what we’re going to do. So, I I I said before, man, this is about we the people guys. This is our campaign. This is still our campaign. This is still something that we’re going to all continue to fight for and if you believe in freedom, if you believe in this country, if you believe in our Republic. Well, then she needs you more than ever now to stand up, to share this information, to start calling people out. You know, we knew this thing was BS from the start and I and I answered questions across the state. Every time I spoke, Joey, what are you doing to prevent election fraud? And I said, we’re doing all we can but one of the things we’ve gotta do is get out and vote. And I know Beatles, you can, you can share, you know, you can back me up on this. The people voted. The people voted, and we had turnout in our rural I called it my northern wall. We shut these guys out. I don’t believe for one second I lost Washoe County. I don’t believe for one second I lost Douglas County. Hell I don’t even believe I lost Nye County. So the bottom line is and again, Beatles is going to have some information on how well we did do it, Clark but everyone’s going to be shocked that I believe we won 16 out of 17, probably seventeen. I don’t know the numbers Beatles seen. We might have won Clark if we did. We lost Clark by a small enough margin that we racked up the winds everywhere else wouldn’t have mattered and that’s saying a lot. So I just want to say thank you to everybody that’s been a part of this. I love you guys. Thank you for everything you’ve done to support this campaign. Don’t go anywhere now. Listen, if you want to, you know, get ready for the entertainment factor. If you want to, you know, watch, you know, get some popcorn and enjoy the show. The show is starting out because you got Patriots in this fight right now that aren’t going anywhere and we’re the worst kind. We got nothing to lose, everything to gain. We got our freedom. We got this country. to to to gain its freedom, our fair vote, but as Beatles and I both said before, although I did tell him, hey man, I need another 10 years on this, on this ball of mud, but Beatles said, you know what, I’m good. You know, I mean, I’ve done what I need to do, I could leave here in peace. Now, we’re not trying to go anywhere. I want to make that crystal clear. Joey Gilbert and Robert Beals are not in any way, shape, or form, complaining about this life or this world. We have no plans to leave this world. So if anything happens, if anything happens, if anything happens, me. Just remember, I love my daughter. I love this fight. I mean, I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to keep kicking **** for Nevadans and for the American people and for those of you guys that know, my my good friend Doctor Simone Gold, he got sentenced to 60 days of prison time, federal prison time. So, I’m going back on the road. I will be headed to Sarasota, Florida. Beatles are supposed to come with me and then I’m going to Virginia Beach to the Reawaken America Tour in Virginia Beach. I’ll be there to talk about how corrupt and how backwards this country has become because enough patriots hasn’t haven’t stood up that Doctor Simone Gold is actually going to do 60 days of prison time because she shared with the American people a life-saving medication that I think I have here. A life-saving medication that she was prepared to go to prison for and apparently she is. Where’s my hydroxy? I don’t have any. Well, I got this one. You guys know what is. I just want to show you all that. Yup. The horse to wormer. I can only show it for a second or or her fetal time out. But Doctor Gold shared those medications with the American people. Now, granted, she did it from inside the rotunda at the Capitol but she was waved in like everybody else. She gave her little speech and she left and there’s people that were convicted of the same non-violent misdemeanors that didn’t get a day but they’re going to put this woman in in prison for 60 days. That’s how backwards this is and this is how we make our stand here and now. So, again, if you want your vote to count, if you want to get, if you want to remove these completely corrupt scumbags, politicians, we’ve gotta be able to have a fair vote. So, the fight is on. We’re in it to win it and again, as Beatles says all the time, it is in god’s hands but we need Patriots standing up and fighting alongside us. If you can contribute anything, resources, help, time, money, get in the fight with us, and stay in the fight because we’re not going anywhere. Amen, my brother. Alright, guys. Listen, I want to tell everybody, we love you and I love, I mean, I always love these comments. You guys know that I end up going, you know, 60 minutes because I start reading your comments. I love everybody, you know, that’s been in this. Thank you so much. Don’t don’t give up your passion. Don’t think your vote doesn’t count. It does count. And Beatles is going to show you how he proved that it counts in the in the complete nonsense they did to try and cancel your vote but I want to give a big shout out to my rural counties. I mean, everybody. You know, everyone the north in the north. You guys came out so big. My northern wall, you guys were amazing. We we won this thing statewide but I just gotta say thank you Elko County, Humboldt County, Lander County, White Pine, Churchill, Washoe, Douglas, you know, you know, Persian, you guys showed up so huge for me. Uh we we beat we beat that **** Pardon my friends. I had to say it. But we we we did it, man. We put a whooping on these guys like they were not ready for. I just want you guys to know how much I love and appreciate you and I’m not giving in until we win this thing. So, god bless you. See you soon and I’ll tell you this, for those people that say, Joey, you’re the front runner for 20 twenty4. I I was trying to be governor of Nevada. I’m not trying to go to the swamp. I have no desire to be in DC. Maybe at another point in time when my daughter’s not 12, but I want to be governor of this state for a reason and that’s the fight and the prize that we got our eye on. So, we love you guys. God bless you. Stay in the fight. Hit the share button and Beatles and I will see you again real soon God bless. God