RWR Walkaway
America First


Spread the Liberty


Would I #RWRwalkaway?

To be clear, the response that follows is a consolidated effort among several people. Furthermore, this response has been compiled from the puzzled looks, the shaking of heads, the raised eyebrows, the snatched conversations in parking lots, the secret meetings and the long analytical conversations among those who diligently attended the following group meetings since last Fall:

-Washoe County GOP Central Committee (WCCC)

-Washoe County GOP Central Committee Executive Board Meetings (WCCC-EB)

-Washoe County Board of County Commissioners (WCBCC)

-Washoe County School Board (WCSB)

-Republican Women of Reno (RWR)

-Sparks Republican Women (SRW)

-Conservative Talk Luncheon (CTL)

Furthermore, this response represents all of us who didn’t “get it,” didn’t “understand what the big reset was,” never had the opportunity to speak and ask “what do you mean?” or “what are you talking about” or basically, just ask “WTF ARE YOU SO UPSET ABOUT?

Thank you,, for asking what we think. Here goes:

Many of us joined the various groups above, full of optimism, anxious to make our individual contributions to help MAKE NEVADA RED after the devastating fraudulent 2020 election and the sickening 2021 Nevada Legislative session that we witnessed.

And yes, we STEPPED UP, SHOWED UP & SPOKE UP (or tried to).  Here’s what we saw:

-A WCCC that was in the middle of a much-needed reconfiguration.  Amidst the confusion, shouting, and out-of-order, we stuck with you and helped you organize and elect new officers.

WE DIDN’T GET IT…as we listened while CINDY MARTINEZ RWR made an illogical motion to remove approximately eight WCCC members due to perceived crimes they had committed.  Most of the body were new members and did not know these eight members nor were we familiar with their alleged crimes.

NOTE:  Please note that member NICOL HERRIS (President, RWR) was not elected as WCCC Chair – many feel this is noteworthy pertaining to events that will occur in 2022.

-A Lincoln Day Dinner Event that appeared to have occurred seamlessly and everyone had a great time, in spite of the skirmish surrounding asking ROBERT BEADLES, appointed Chairman of the Washoe County GOP Election Integrity Committee to plan it, then being asked to NOT plan it.

WE DIDN’T GET IT … when we learned that CINDY MARTINEZ RWR had filed a formal complaint to the Executive Board, about Mr. Beadles, regarding perceived candidate favoritism over a photo layout on the dinner event flyer.  We asked why was she involved in this at all if she wasn’t the planner?  She should have referred any candidate complaints to the planner to deal with – Mr. Beadles.

-We were excited about the effort to recall both Angie Taylor, President (WCSB) and Vaughn Hartung, Chair (WCBCC).  We appreciated and thanked Robert Beadles for stepping forward to fund this huge effort to remove these two evil people from their positions.

WE DIDN’T GET IT …when unexpectantly both CINDY MARTINEZ RWR and SANDRA LINARES RWR both retracted their signature documents which initiated the recall action.  They addressed the WCCC regarding this, citing their reason was due to their displeasure about Mr. Beadles’ on-air announcement.  Apparently, they didn’t like what he said exactly.  They never said they didn’t agree with the Hartung recall, just with what Mr. Beadles had said.  Ms. Martinez and Ms. Linares can certainly have their individual opinions about why Hartung should be recalled.  We all do.  So does Mr. Beadles.  So, their decision to end the recall seemed really stupid to most of us and WE JUST DIDN’T GET IT.

-At the April WCCC-EB meeting, RWR CINDY MARTINEZ, RWR SANDRA LINARES, and RWR MELISSA CLEMENT called for an action that would relieve Robert Beadles as appointed Chairman of the Washoe County GOP Election Integrity Committee and dissolve the Committee as well.

Ok, now we have moved past WE DIDN’T GET IT and are now into WTF ARE YOU SO UPSET ABOUT?

Dissolving the most important committee in WCCC during an election year doesn’t seem to be in the best interest of TURNING NEVADA RED……remember that thing we were so excited and hopeful about?  For what… we can play with changing words in the Bylaws every month?  Well, the WCCC-EB didn’t go along with it, thankfully.

But here is the point at which ALL THINGS DIVIDE.

MARTINEZ/LINARES/CLEMENT RWR began to travel as one person, huddling and whispering at all events and were soon referred to as the “CLUB GIRLS.”

-At WCCC, WCCC-EB and CTL events, RWR CINDY MARTINEZ began reading some version of her victim letter.  Somehow, she claimed she was being victimized by ROBERT BEADLES, although we saw that he mostly ignored her.  We feel her letters were long-winded, cumbersome, and we never knew what she was talking about.  Somehow, she was always given plenty of time to speak at all these events.


-We began to see the emergence of NICOL HERRIS (President, RWR).  The Club girls flocked to her side, announcing and participating in new, unknown programs with names like “The Great Reset” and “Boots On The Ground”.

CINDY MARTINEZ RWR began flaunting some new campaign about being especially nice to the WCBCC.  It never got off the ground with most of us, especially because we were so angry about being so misrepresented by our WCBCC.  We wondered who the heck CINDY was becoming.  Mostly, we just didn’t understand why RWR NICOL HERRIS didn’t offer to join forces with the WCCC Election Integrity Committee, creating an unbelievably strong team of like-minded people to campaign, create Precinct flyers, walk, make phone calls and educate our voters.  Many believe the reason for this has to do with the “NOTE” mentioned in the early part of this response.


-WCCC Vice-Chair election –

RWR CINDY MARTINEZ (Vice-Chair, WCCC) resigns.  Was she insincere about her commitment to the position when she asked to be elected?  DON’T UNDERSTAND THIS ONE.

However, moving on to the new Vice-Chair election:

ROBERT BEADLES endorsed TRACEY HILTON THOMAS, “the other side” endorsed RWR AARON PARK.

Among other election campaign information disseminated during that WCCC election night meeting, was a flyer containing factual information regarding AARON F PARK RWR  It discussed his previous experience as a paid political activist from California and the clients he has represented, to include BOB LUCEY (recently defeated WCBCC). RWR  AARON F PARK wasn’t elected that Monday night.  Was it due to the informational flyer that was handed out?  You wouldn’t think so, had you attended the Friday pre-election ZOOM call, during which you would have heard enough to discredit AARON F PARK right then.  Regardless, this was enough to start a new request for all informational flyers to be submitted for pre-approval by “a committee”.  This request was first presented in writing by NICOL HERRIS (President, RWR).

It was then presented verbally at WCCC-EB by ELIZABETH LENZ (President, SRW).

Enter, a new victim. 

So, now we should all be censured?   We didn’t think so, luckily, neither did BRUCE PARKS, (Chair, WCCC).

– CTL is an opportunity for the announcement of all upcoming events.

Unless, of course, you are announcing an event sponsored by ROBERT BEADLES.  Then you are subject to loud, rude side comments and obnoxious behavior coming from the back of the room.  Who would do this, we wondered as we all looked back and our eyes rested on RWR CINDY MARTINEZ, SANDRA LINARES, and MELISSA CLEMENT.  Being treated like this really angered two speakers making announcements, and finally one turned to issue a reprimand, addressing them as the Club Girls.  We watched RWR CAROLE FINEBERG, (Founder and Organizer of CTL and former Secretary for WCCC) become unhinged, running down the length of the room, waving her arms and yelling about the use of the reference “Club Girls”.  She was not provoked at all, however, regarding the obnoxious behavior directed towards two speakers, that she had just allowed.


-Recently, a flyer circulated on Facebook, announcing a “Drag Event”, sponsored by MONICA JAYE RWR (Losing candidate for NV Senate District 16) and Maurice Washington (former member of NV State Senate-Rep)


Predictably, it didn’t take long before it had turned into a sh@tstorm.

Here’s a quick summary of what we think they were all trying to say:

THE DRAG QUEEN:  “Thank you Monica for letting me use you and your place to tell the world that I’m a Conservative and feel I am virtuous as long as I don’t parade my costume-porn out in front of your kids.”

MONICA JAYE: “I have all different kinds of friends and to prove how tolerant I am, I am making the foolish decision to sponsor an event like this.”


MELANIE SUTTON and COLLEEN WESTLAKE  RWR (We don’t think either one gave a rat’s patootie about the drag queen and her/his/it’s/their issues…..they just wanted an opportunity to tell Penny what a “HATER” she is).

MAURICE WASHINGTON: (Never said a word, smart man!).

Had no one made any comment at all to the posting of this RWR Monica Jaye Drag Queen Event, we feel the event would have disappeared without much interest, faster than a 7:00PM summer sun over Mt. Rose.  Instead, all the in-fighting moved the “Mission” even further back on the back burner (remember that MAKE NEVADA RED thing?).


-Finally, here we are in July 2022, and three RWR resignations were submitted at the WCCC-EB meeting:




We’ve heard for a while that RWR LINARES wasn’t working out, at least we can understand that one.

Will RWR will be releasing a News Bulletin regarding what new atrocities have occurred?

Will any part of that News Bulletin help to further our mission of working to MAKE NEVADA RED?

We fear that mission has been placed on a back burner.

Club Girls?  Mean Girls? RWR  It doesn’t really matter much what anyone calls them, they are the common thread you see woven through this story of events.  What happened to the smart, articulate, dedicated women whom we cheered and followed into this battle to MAKE NEVADA RED?

“Power does not corrupt.  Fear corrupts.  Perhaps a fear of a loss of power” – John Steinbeck

Would we #RWRwalkaway?  #SRWwalkaway? #CTLwalkaway

There seems to be good reason to do so. 

Their divisiveness and in-fighting have obscured the mission to the point we have lost sight of it. Nothing left but a desert haze.


NEVADA LIBERTY PROTIP: Do you enjoy winning? Make a difference, join the Washoe County GOP Central Committee America First Council today.


I. Join the Central Committee: America First Council

II. Attend Freedom Fridays


Tolerance is not a Christian Virtue.

Colleen Westlake announces Drag Queen Proponent Sandra Linares (RINO) as her Campaign Manager #exposegroomers

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The Real Nicôl Herris..

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Tolerance is not a Christian Virtue.