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Gavel Queen Alexis Hill (BOB LUCEY 2.0) Takes a Page from Bob Lucey’s Playbook: Constituent Neglect

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Nevada Liberty Guest Writer: Brooklyn to Reno’s very own Proud Democrat, Dominic “The Fixer” Rizzo 

Neglect at the Helm: Commissioner Hill’s Echoes of Lucey’s Legacy

Hey, listen up, folks. So, we got Commissioner Alexis Hill over here, right? Seems like she’s taking cues from old Bob Lucey, her mentor, who thought returning calls was like pulling teeth. Look where that got him, kicked outta office quicker than you can say “constituent neglect.”

Self Serving Leadership: Alexis Hill’s Pages from Lucey’s Playbook

Now, Alexis, she’s following in Bob’s footsteps, or should I say, lack of footsteps. Bob never bothered to dial up Washoe County residents, and now Alexis is playing the same game.

Constituent Disregard: Hill’s Ticket to Lucey’s Retirement Home

District 1 voters, pay attention. You wanna send Hill to Bob Lucey’s retirement home? ‘Cause that’s where she’s headed if she keeps ignoring y’all like this.

Missing in Action: Hill’s Senior Citizen Snub

And here’s the kicker, folks. Got a senior citizen over here, trying to get through to Alexis? She’s MIA. So much for caring about constituents, especially the ones with a few more miles on the clock.

The Voiceless Masses: Hill Hates Public Comments

Public comments don’t lie, folks. When a constituent’s left high and dry, you know there’s trouble brewing. So, next time you’re at the ballot box, remember who bothered to pick up the phone and who left you hanging.

Gavel Me Harder: The Dark Comedy of Comrade Communist Alexis Hill

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