America First

EDITORIAL: Witness to RWR & SRW GOP Club Girl Gaslighting Tyranny

Spread the Liberty
Swamp Creatures
Swamp Creatures

Constitution of United States of America 1789: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

LIBERTY PROTIP: Focus on WCRCC members who call for the censorship of Nevada LibertyShare Anonymous Tips

LIBERTY NOTE: The following editorial was submitted by Harriet Tellitall. Harriet attended the Washoe County GOP Central Committee Executive Meeting which occurred June 1, 2022. If you’d like to share your perspective we’d be happy to publish it too. Nevada Liberty loves and supports the Freedom of Speech guaranteed by our First Amendment!


By Harriet Tellitall

If you visit the Washoe GOP website, you can clearly read the stated purpose of Washoe County Republican Central Committee. Here it is:

Identify, promote and elect freedom-first candidates for all Washoe County elected offices.

Restore and defend election integrity in Washoe County.

Coordinate citizen action against ongoing impositions on our basic freedoms and liberties.

If one honors those statements and volunteers their time and money as a part of the Washoe County Republican Central Committee one might really begin to wonder about the motivation of those who are actively trying to ‘reset and recalibrate,’ that noble purpose into an abysmal failure.

Executive Committee Member and Censorship Czar Elizabeth Lenz President of Sparks Republican Women (SRW) and her chief supporter of silencing Censorship Czar Cindy Sassenrath, Treasurer of Republican Women of Reno (RWR) initiated a recommendation for an approval board to be created, their next premeditated waste of all our time. Of course, they want to be the judge and jury approving what materials may be placed on the chairs of the members of the monthly Central Committee meetings, recently held at the Verdi Boomtown Casino.

These two enemies of free speech bemoaned the placement of such campaign literature at the most recent Executive Committee meeting held on June 1, 2022. They seemed to be somehow “ripe” with offense at walk pieces for candidates they do not support being made readily available. What was the specific complaint this time? Censorship Czars Lenz and Sassenrath decried that dissemination of this information was a formal endorsement of those specific candidates to the exclusion of other candidates.

Hmmm, let’s keep in mind a few things, shall we? First, Central Committee members’ donations go directly to partially defray printing costs for the candidates in the effort to “Identify, promote and elect freedom-first candidates for all Washoe County elected offices.” (From point one, listed above.) These brochures and handouts are also free for attendees to use as talking points, to educate themselves and their personal networks, as well as to promote candidates they are interested in. It should be a basic understanding, plain to all, that a Central Committee member is free to take home one, any, or none of the placed materials for such purposes. Big eye roll + puuuuhlease people!

Besides, who has not seen campaigners place such materials on chairs at any number of events and rallies around town during this time of the year? Have these two RINOs heard the news? WE ARE IN AN ELECTION SEASON! It is commonplace at a wide variety of assemblies to hand out literature. It is elementary and WILL NOT BE CURTAILED AT THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE.

Incidentally, these items are placed as a service and convenience. For those who wish to obtain campaign materials, included on a chair or not included, you are welcome to visit the Washoe County GOP office located at 3652 South Virginia, Ste C8, Reno NV 89502 operating hours are 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Mon – Fri, (775) 827-1900

Finally, to Czar Lenz and Sassenrath: STOP FEIGNING OFFENSE!

The charge that it’s somehow breaking a non-existent rule to disseminate campaign literature was truly offensive to the majority of attendees present at the Thursday evening meeting, many booed their displeasure at you and others could be chanting “let’s move on.” You both acted like immature entitled and spoiled children.

If you both believe that you need a governing board to tell us all which brochures are ok to place on a chair, then perhaps it’s time to head back to your high school Democrat club, and grab a warm blankie while you’re at it.

🙁 🙁 🙁

The obvious and actual reason these two women want to create an ‘approval board’ is because they are looking for another mechanism to squash the free flow of information Liberty of members during these assemblies? Who might you suggest be on this 1984 / Ministry of Truth, supercilious and pompous board?

What is really going on behind the scenes is an effort to undermine America First candidates from going forward. That is a PLAIN violation of all 3 mission goals listed above.

If your true plan is to subvert freedom of information and the informing of the participating members of the Central Committee, then perhaps it’s time for you to take your subversive clubs to the Democrat Party. They’ll love you long time!

Your virtue signaling victim routine is as disingenuous as each one of you. Stop subverting the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and gaslighting your opposition. You have failed, we see you for who you really are and we will name and shame each one of you as many times as you try to foist your socialist agenda on our body.