America First

ARROGANT & UNACCOUNTABLE: The ONE Action the WCSD School Board Could Take, But Refuses.

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ONE Action the WCSD School Board Could Take – ONE Simple Policy the Board Could Pass – That Would Improve Our Schools Immediately

Pass Board Policy that requires ALL Board members to make AT LEAST 2 unannounced, unescorted school visits each month and provide reports to the community at every Board meeting of what they observed. 

  • Where? ANY classroom or campus at ANY school
  • Also, allow these unannounced, unescorted visits by ANY parent, elected politician, credentialed media, law enforcement officer, or responsible community member, after checking-in at the school office, showing valid identification, and stating the purpose of their visit. 

Why hasn’t ONE Board member in memory EVER made an unannounced and unescorted classroom or campus visit?

The SUPERINTENDENT does not want anyone making unannounced and unescorted visits. She does NOT want the Board and the community to see the true picture of how dysfunctional and dangerous our schools are.

The BOARD members do not WANT to make unannounced and unescorted visits. If they see firsthand how dysfunctional and dangerous our schools are, they will be forced to tell the community the truth, and explain why they have refused to even acknowledge our many serious problems.

If this visitation policy were passed by the School Board, several things would happen immediately. 

  • The Superintendent would be exposed as refusing to establish safe, effective schools, and not doing the job she was hired to do.
  • The Parents would demand immediate change or start a mass exodus disenrolling their children.
  • The Community would see the violence, chaos, and lack of learning, and demand immediate change in leadership at all levels.
  • The School Board would be forced to either make the changes necessary to correct this situation, OR … the community would demand they follow the Superintendent out the door.


Education Crusade One Thing Board Can Do

WCSD $uperintendent $usan Enfield Wasting Millions While Ignoring Dangerous and Dysfunctional Schools