America First

Biden Surrenders US Sovereignty to CCP-WHO-WEF

Spread the Liberty


Quick link to EVIDENCE: DontYouDare.INFO


Once the UniParty agreed to the Big Steal they had no say in what was to come,  now they are all along for the ride. The war with Ukraine is the last big looting for Congress and then the money all goes into a world fund to combat climate change and scamdemics.

The New World Order is here and we are in the Great Reset and unelected officials in a foreign country will tell you when and who gets to travel based on whether or not you are a “good citizen” based on your social credit score.

RINO “Republicans” committed their first murder on November 3rd, and after the first one the rest are easy, because without a soul you can commit terrible acts against humanity without any attachment. The Uniparty has been co-opted by the Dark Side. Congress will just be managers of funds and resources that are run by the CCP, WHO and WEF.

The stolen election and Trump were the last barriers to the dystopia that awaits us.