Rigged: Molly Hemingway
America First

Interview: Mollie Hemingway On the 2020 Election and Her Best-Seller, Rigged

Spread the Liberty

What can regular Americans do to improve the security of elections?

“I couldn’t believe how these far left groups staffed by some of the most partisan actors I’ve encountered had burrowed into our election system. If a Republican had done this, everyone involved would be in prison.”

HEMINGWAY: First off, don’t despair. Our entire history is one of working to improve elections. We moved to a secret ballot and a single day of voting for president because of controversy in the presidential elections up to 1844. We had to deal with Democrats’ coordinated effort to disenfranchise an entire race of people in the South. The most important thing to do is to get acquainted with the laws and processes in your region, and then sign up to observe whether they’re being properly followed. Because we are now moving back to an extended voting season, that means much more oversight of the process is needed. Volunteer to help out.