Is RGJ Feelings Checker Editor Peggy Santoro DAFT?
She’s a feelings checker all right, feelings that fit her narrow minded leftist narrative. The rest of the story, on each and every story is omitted or censored just like the woketards who just got fired at Twitter.
Is she auditioning for Kontrolling Karen from The Direktorate of Kommunikations in a new Michael Moore propaganda flop or is she just a feelings vs. facts progressive shill?
Ever notice how the Omission Mission RGJ crew refuse to provide a live link to any opposing viewpoint publication but shower their bias buddies with hyperlink attribution?
No to Wrong Think, Vote Blue No Matter Who
Is it any wonder no one trusts the “press” anymore, especially the Omission Mission Woketard Warriors at the Reno Gazette Journal? Without the censorial hand of small minded kontrolling karens like Peggy Santoro the leftist narrative fails miserably and collapses every time. Santoro guards the gate like a horribly behaved puppy and we all know the result..

That’s why the left is so salty about Elon’s Twitter Files. You’d think with all the virtual signaling and platitudes about ‘having an honest conversation,’ managing editors like Santoro would be forthright. Think again. Journalistic integrity is a joke because of managing editors all over the country, like RGJ Peggy Santoro who censor the truth and allow their reporters to collude with the subjects in their articles.
Liars for Profit. Democratic Socialists Built That: The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012
Stubborn as a mule. You go girl!
However, she’ll do what she’s always done, appeal to the “feelz” ignore the facts and peddle her broken leftist narrative to a dwindling readership and cry foul when she’s called on the carpet. It’s what high performance leftism looks like!
Who’s got the receipts? Who’s done the work? Who’s putting it all on the line and online?
HINT: It’s not Bethany Drysdale the Washoe County Kommunications Manager, Feelings Checker Peggy Santoro or even everyone’s pop psychology feel good Kommunity Clown Mark Robison.
Like a hand to a glove, Washoe County and the RGJ seem to be a perfect fit.

THE HANDLER: Unveiling the Enigma.. The Washoe County Political Handler Chronicles
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