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Corporate Media’s Grip: Unveiling RGJ’s Biased #omissionmissioncrew Narrative and the Rise of Independent Journalism

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RGJ’s Integrity Deficit: Biased Narratives and Cozy Collusions with Government Entities

In an era where media conglomerates dominate the landscape, corporate leftist agendas overwhelm ethical journalism, obliterating the line between unbiased reporting and propaganda. The Reno Gazette Journal (RGJ) stands as a prime example of such corporate mockingbird media, where journalistic integrity takes a backseat to biased narratives and government collusion. A recent incident further underscores this bias: the RGJ utilized a video screenshot from Nevada Liberty’s coverage without appropriately crediting us for our digital asset let alone the entire story. Moreover, the RGJ failed to acknowledge that it was Nevada Liberty who produced the story, which Peggy Santoro and Mark Robison presented as their reporting. This incident highlights the inherent dishonesty and selective reporting perpetuated by the RGJ, where alternative voices are dismissed or marginalized simply because they don’t fit into the mold of their leftist corporate journalism.

Peggy Santoro and Mark Robison: Steering RGJ’s Biased Sinking Ship

Heading this biased narrative is failed RGJ editor Peggy Santoro, whose editorial decisions always exhibit a clear bias towards progressive narratives. Supported by ‘Step and Fetch it’ progressive propagandist reporter Mark Robison, the RGJ perpetuates a cycle of faulty analysis and government collusion, exemplified by their communication with Baghdad Bethany Dysdale from the Washoe County Narrative Liar Department. (we possess a substantial collection of as-yet-unpublished emails exchanged between them, obtained through our public records requests, which vividly depict the situation).

Dilution of Independence: RGJ’s Compromised Editorial Stand with External Sources

This collusion is not merely speculation; it is evident in the RGJ’s selective reporting and framing of stories. While larger media outlets face cutbacks, the RGJ conveniently overlooks stories that do not align with their agenda while amplifying narratives that serve their corporate interests. Furthermore, the RGJ’s publication of articles and investigative reports from sources like Nevada Current, The Nevada Independent, and ProPublica dilutes their editorial independence and amplifies biased perspectives.

Rise of Independent Voices: Smaller Outlets Filling the Void in Media

As mainstream media outlets continue to downsize, smaller, more independent media outlets such as This is Reno, Our Town Reno, Our Nevada Judges, Picon Press Media, and Nevada Liberty are stepping in to fill the void. Despite not being as mainstream as RGJ, these outlets have been instrumental in uncovering stories overlooked by larger profit driven media outlets.

Nevada Liberty’s Disregarded Impact: A Case Study in Unacknowledged Journalism

A significant example of this disparity in coverage is evident in the case of a property reduction article. While Nevada Liberty engaged in investigative journalism, interviewing property owners and notable figures like Commissioner Mike Clark, Commission Candidate Mark Lawson, and Businessman Eddie Lorton, the RGJ ignored our efforts entirely and presented the information as their ‘exclusive’. Despite playing a crucial role in bringing the story to light, Nevada Liberty received no acknowledgment or credit from the RGJ.

Original Nevada Liberty Digital Asset
RGJ Stolen Digital Asset
RGJ Stolen Digital Asset
RGJ Sucks
RGJ Sucks




From 500 to Less than 50: RGJ’s Downfall and Failure to Acknowledge Alternative Media

This lack of recognition highlights the inherent bias and selective reporting perpetuated by the RGJ #ommissionmissioncrew where alternative voices are dismissed or marginalized simply because they do not align with corporate journalism standards. It is ironic that RGJ, once boasting 500 employees, now dwindles to less than 50, yet fails to recognize or appreciate the efforts of smaller media outlets striving to make a difference.

Eddie Lorton’s Saga: A Stark Reminder of RGJ’s Narrative Manipulation

Eddie Lorton’s case serves as a stark reminder of this bias, where despite undeniable evidence of a property tax reduction, the county and RGJ attempt to spin the narrative to fit their agenda. This manipulation of facts further underscores the need for independent journalism that prioritizes truth over bias.

Urgency of Unbiased Reporting: Navigating the Media Landscape Amidst Layoffs and Job Losses

As the media sector continues to witness layoffs and job losses, the need for unbiased, independent journalism becomes even more pronounced. The dishonesty of corporate mockingbird media, exemplified by hacks like RGJ, underscores the urgency to support and amplify alternative voices that challenge the status quo and uphold the principles of journalistic integrity.

ATTENTION RGJ: Publish a hyperlinked credit to this article or remove our photo. LINK: https://nevadaliberty.org/nevada-liberty-calls-out-rgj-failure-to-credit-local-media/


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