America First

Top Ten ACLU Election Hotline Pranks

Spread the Liberty

Top Ten ACLU Election Hotline Pranks

10. I saw a man on Record St., with a Great Maga King button on his lapel, hand a homeless man a ballot and a pen. When the homeless person marked their ballot and handed it back along with the pen, the man gave him a tuna fish sandwich.

9. I heard a rumor that the Republican Party is plotting to harvest ballots. (Hint: It’s a legal practice.)

8. The Republicans are counterfeiting ballots. I don’t know who, but they have the technology. (If they take the bait, there’s no proof because we wouldn’t do that.)

7. Republicans are changing party to Democrat and voting up the weakest candidates!!!

6. There are more dead Republicans on the voter rolls than you can imagine.

5. This house on [insert democrat address] is a registration mill.

4. I saw a bus from Tijuana, with a big sign on it that read, “Reno or Bust”, unload dozens of persons of apparent Hispanic origin at county offices who, to the best of my knowledge, were allowed to vote.

3. When I went to vote in-person-inside on a machine, I was told at check-in, after I signed an affidavit that I didn’t vote twice, that I had already cast a ballot.

2. A guy who called himself Robert Beadles offered me a bribe to vote Republican.

And the number one prank for the ACLU Hotline is:

1. The Republicans have rigged the system and we are f*cked.

Here’s a link to an article about the ACLU hotline: ACLU to monitor Nevada election sites for irregularities.

Get busy Patriots!