Public Schools
America First

EDITORIAL: 7 (out of MANY) Reasons NOT to Send Your Child Back to Washoe County Schools Next Year

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7 (out of MANY) Reasons NOT to Send Your Child Back to Washoe County Schools Next Year

The new school year starts in August. There are many great options for educating your children. Washoe County Schools is NOT one of them, for the following reasons.

1) Most Students Are Learning Almost Nothing. Based on national test scores – the kind that WCSD administrators can NOT manipulate, between 65% and 85% of WCSD students score at-or-below a level of “functional illiteracy.” That means that for every 10 WCSD students, 7-to-9 of them lack the literacy skills necessary to live independently without assistance. This is why a WCSD diploma is worthless, and our schools have ranked worst-in-the-nation for over a decade.

2) 40% or More of the Students Are Absent on Any Given Day and a Majority Come Late to Classes All Day. You can’t teach students who aren’t in school. You can’t keep control of a classroom or provide quality instruction when students come in late every period. There are NRS laws that give schools a way to stop this behavior…but WCSD won’t enforce them.

3) Students Who DO Attend Class: Fight, Curse, Disrespect the Teachers, Sleep, Eat, Use Drugs and Alcohol, Play Games, etc…ANYTHING But Pay Attention to the Teachers and Learn. Teachers have given up on stopping this behavior, because when they DO send a student to the Principal, they typically return to class minutes later with a bag of popcorn, a soda, and no consequences. The number of students participating in this negative behavior is steadily increasing.

4) The Use and Sale of Drugs/Alcohol Occurs On Campus and In-Class Every Day. When students are under the influence, you can’t teach them OR maintain a safe campus. A proven, voluntary drug-testing program could rapidly make our schools drug free. 40% of secondary schools in the U.S. have some kind of drug-testing…why doesn’t WCSD?

5) Violence, Violence, and MORE Violence Against Students and Staff
In recent school years, WCSD schools have numerous sexual assaults, mob fights that hospitalize victims, and major attacks on teachers that leave them with permanent disabilities and even PTSD. Students have proudly exhibited some of the worst student fights and threats on various social media.

6) 100% of WCSD’s 3500 Teachers Are Selfish Cowards Who Refuse to Speak Up For the Children They Claim to Care So Much About
Not ONE WCSD teacher has been willing to speak out publicly about the conditions I’ve described. Teachers believe that “I might lose my job if I speak up” justifies their silence, moral cowardice, and allowing emotional/physical/educational damage to be inflicted on the children under their care.

7) Leadership That Requires Words 10X Stronger Than “Incompetent ” and “Amoral.” WCSD Superintendents and School Boards have collaborated to establish a dystopian school district where leadership-lying is the norm, where overt racist policies are acceptable as long as they are against Whites, and where students are brainwashed daily with godless and perverted sexual teaching, hatred of America and democracy, and identity politics. This has been achieved by preventing ANYONE (including school board members and parents) from making unannounced visits to our 100+ school campuses.

Our Washoe School District is FAR too broken to be fixed. Anyone who holds that out as a possibility should be immediately disregarded as ignorant or duplicitous. Nothing but full, universal vouchers for EVERY parent can protect our children’s education and futures. Until then…….remove YOUR child from WCSD immediately.

Any parent who continues to trust their child’s welfare to schools that have devolved into nothing more than dangerously unsupervised daycare centers, should not be trusted with the responsibility of raising children.

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