Alexis Hill: Washoe County Commissioner Communist Fashion Model
America First

Gavel Me Harder: The Dark Comedy of Comrade Communist Alexis Hill

Spread the Liberty


In the heart of the county, where darkness prevails,
Lurks Comrade Alexis, her promises like sails.
Chairwoman of chaos, with a gavel in hand,
But her decisions are a shipwreck upon our fair land.

A swamp creature of the night, she thrives,
But in the realm of governance, her failure arrives.
With every choice, she leads us astray,
And we’re left to wonder, how long will we sway?

The NAACP Gala, a moment of delight,
But Alexis’s fashion, oh, what a sight!
No mirror at home, it’s become quite clear,
Or a spouse who’d be truthful, whispering in her ear.

The truth, to Alexis, is a distant myth,
Lost in the shadows, adrift in the myth.
If it slapped her in the face, would she even see?
For honesty and Alexis are never meant to be.

In this darkly satirical, twisted refrain,
We laugh through the tears, in the face of disdain.
For Chairwoman Alexis, a symbol of folly,
Leads us down a path, both crooked and unholy.

But let satire remind us, as we jest and we jeer,
That change can be sparked, from laughter and fear.
In the County’s darkness, a glimmer may dawn,
When better decisions, like daylight, are drawn.

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