Colleen Westlake announces embattled abusive bully and Drag Queen
Proponent Sandra Linares (RINO) as her Campaign Manager. This happened moments after Sandra Linares RESIGNED and failed to turn over the QuickBooks password and other critical financial documentation as Washoe County Republican Treasurer. Washoe County Republican Party Executive Meeting 7JUL22
Colleen Westlake doesn’t like the truth. Colleen Westlake likes her truth.
Consider this post your participation trophy Colleen!
Colleen Westlake’s Washoe County Executive Board Meeting “Christian” scream sermon was a not so subtle failed attempt to shoot the messenger. Apparently Colleen felt compelled to make a complete ass of herself (scroll to bottom for video) complaining about Nevada Liberty using pseudonyms* while we were asking for a simple public clarification from Club Girl Melanie Sutton. Melanie is another Washoe County School District candidate who seems completely oblivious to the Marxist Globohomo Agenda that she and her Club Girl Marxist Useful Idiots are pushing on the Washoe GOP, despite clear language in the Washoe GOP “By Laws” that clearly does not allow any of it.

When she’s not busy violating your privacy by copying the meeting attendance sign in roster on to her “face saving” note pad at executive meetings, it’s no wonder that Nicole Herris suddenly appeared at the “Bylaws” rewrite Committee project in June. Nicole Herris is leading the charge to undermine the Washoe County GOP from the inside out. Herris has already called for CCP style top down 1st Amendment crushing “Codes of Conduct,” to be included into the GOP “Bylaws,” which would protect and weaponize her covert control agenda. She and Cindy Martinez have both included the Klaus Schwab World ☭ Economic Forum “Recalibration and Great Reset’ in their public addresses around town. Most notably Herris used it when she tried to consolidate all the Republican Clubs under her control. Martinez shocked every America First participant in the County Commission chamber when she made her public comment at the end of the Election Integrity fight, “unofficially speaking on behalf of the GOP.” Then she did it again at Conservative Talk Lunch just days after she RESIGNED as Washoe GOP Vice Chair. VIDEO.
The level of Club Girl arrogance, condescension and blinding stupidity on display is beyond comprehension. These loud mouth, know nothing women will shout down anyone who attempts to challenge their narrative, just like Demoncrats, because they are Demoncrats who have nested in the Washoe GOP. They are so thoroughly brainwashed by the Culture War that they don’t even realize they are attempting to shove Cultural Marxism down our throats while gaslighting everyone. In fact, we can’t think of anyone less qualified to fight CRT and transgender groomer issues etc. on the WCSB than these horrible ill informed, cowardly candidates.
Proud to have Sandra Linares as your campaign manager Colleen Westlake? Do tell us more..
Dear Club Girls Candidates, if you can’t handle some pushback from the ULTRA MAGA folks in your party without self immolating, how do you expect to win a general election?
To your next allegation Ms. Westlake .. we have tried to prompt your arrogant and ignorant Club Girl cabal to clarify each of your progressive, indefensible, hypocritical positions discretely, multiple times and you’ve deleted your comments, gaslighted our America First questioners and then attacked us personally.. over and over and over again. When do we get our apology Melanie, Melissa, Sandra, Minnie/Nicole, Liz, Colleen, Monica, Ricci, Cindy, Tom, Sheila, Caroline, Debbie and the rest of you toxic RINOS? Now you are all going to get what you give.
Because until Nevada Liberty started holding your uniparty, wicked, collusive, abusive LOSING behavior up for the world to examine, no one held you accountable.
Nevada Liberty is never going to look the other way because that just elects RINOS. Take that to the bank.. COWARDLY RINOS who roll over for their Cultural Marxist uniparty handlers on everything from sexual mentally ill groomer drag queen perversion to red flag laws, the moment they are (S)elected.
SPOILER ALERT: You Lose, America First Wins
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Candidate Westlake seems to know very little about US history, but hey, let’s not hold that against her. After all, she’s only running for the Washoe County School Board.
* History Moment by Nevada Liberty: List of pseudonyms used in the American Constitutional Debates
Cindy Martinez: Washoe County GOP’s Unofficial Great Reset ☭ Recalibration Spokesperson