“The Truth will always find the Light.” –Monica Jaye (formerly of Planned Parenthood Redding, California).
Some people will do anything for money. These dress up cosplay clowns decided to make a few extra bucks “protecting” “Conservative” Monica Jaye’s property during her age 16 and up Groomer Drag Queen event “normalizing” pedophilia and gender dysphoria under the banner of “tolerance.” By the way, If you disagree with them you are clearly a dubious website, a divisive person, a homophobe, a bigot, a hater and BTW you might get shot by the Super Lube sponsored Northern Nevada Drag Queen Militia; nice morale patches bruh, hoooorah sarge! Isn’t that special?
They think you are stupid.

Hey Team Groomers.. Sandra Linares or Melanie Sutton ..who on the Republican Women of Reno Facebook Group “came out” strongly in support of Groomers while attacking actual Washoe County Conservatives. What’s so fascinating is how Melanie Sutton will take all your campaign donations for her Washoe County School Board election while standing up on the stump in public denouncing the inclusion of woke sex education gender dysphoria into the WCSD curriculum.. a n d t h e n defend a Drag Queen Event on Republican Women of Reno Facebook Group, doubling down on defending her woke “Allies” ideology by trashing anyone who asks her to deliver a detailed explanation of the difference between fighting gender dysphoria WCSD curriculum by day and supporting Drag Queen events by night. But wait, there’s more.. to cover her attacks on actual Conservatives, Club Girl Melanie deletes all her derogatory comments and posts how much she loves everyone! Dear Club Girl Melanie Sutton, get your “Pride” on, you’ve got some serious ‘splainin to do. FYI: We’ve got the screenshots, so don’t gaslight us and try to blame the messenger.
We’d be delighted to consider publishing your UniParty RINO Soros sponsored and written rebuttal.. nevadaliberty@protonmail.com #senditLOL
“God assumed from the beginning that the wise of the world would view Christians as fools.. and he has not been disappointed. If I have brought any message today, it is this: have the courage to have your wisdom regarded as stupidity. Be fools for Christ. Have the courage to suffer the contempt of the sophisticated world.” -Antonin Scalia Living Faith Catholic Conference, 2012.
Classic footage narrated by Sir David Attenborough for the new Planet Trans documentary. pic.twitter.com/AlwmTvJHAy
— FRANCIS AARON (@FrancisAaronUK) July 2, 2022
Do you understand how deep the rabbit hole goes?#BalenciagaGate #BalenciagaGroomers #balenciaga pic.twitter.com/s5eLfSv0pF
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) November 28, 2022