Reno Republican Women RWR Walkaway
America First

What’s your #RWRwalkaway Story?

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A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. -Lao Tzu

We’ve endured endless stress the past few years while constantly being bombarded with new disturbing information. What was once widely regarded as a crazy conspiracy theory six months ago has been proven over and over again as fact. Stress changes you but it also sharpens your discernment. But hey, what else is new, right? 

People are walking away from Republican Women of Reno for many reasons. It’s a disturbing fact. We are not attempting to accelerate the exodus. However, we find it disturbing that their leadership is stifling constructive criticism that may help them RIGHT their course and eliminate their divisive disfunction.

If you have considered not renewing your membership or you feel like you have been stonewalled when trying to offer your input. If you have a solid rationale for already walking away, you’ve resigned and would like to have a platform to offer your constructive criticism send us your #RWRwalkaway story anonymously.

Leadership Matters.

Why I walked away. The Republican Women of Reno (RWR) club I joined is no longer the club it is now. In the past, its focus was on educating our community and increasing its involvement in communicating with our elected representatives. Today’s RWR is focused on promoting one RWR officer’s personal agenda — an agenda that is extremely divisive, propelled by an unnatural thirst for power, and fettered with multiple examples of poor leadership and decision-making. The examples I summarize below, as they come to mind, delineate why continued membership in the RWR is now impossible.

RWR did an about face on communicating with the BCC. The “recalibration and reset” is nothing but a surrender that has never been honestly explained. The “code of conduct” rationale provided is a joke. Personal gain of some sort by those calling for the “reset/recalibration” is a more likely explanation. Patriots who have spoken at BCC meetings were never threatening to public employees or commissioners and were never out of line. RWR’s hasty decision to join or appease the opposition without evidence of the necessity for it is a betrayal of trust. Additionally, the RWR member leading RWR activities with the BCC had a private meeting with Commissioner Hartung prior to the “reset/recalibration,” but she refuses to provide details on the conversation. This only serves to increase doubt as to motive for the reset. There’s obviously more that has happened behind the scenes than is being shared.

RWR claims it impartially supported all gubernatorial candidates, but that’s an obvious lie. I grew tired of seeing fawning, thirsty women clamoring for “Freddy’s” attention at too many RWR events when Simon was invited and attended.

Guest speakers at RWR luncheons became monotonous and irrelevant. (Again, there were far too many Freddy appearances that frankly, got kind of creepy.)

The RWR Board has supported other local groups or organizations that are hostile to Washoe GOP and its members. RWR’s calls for “unity” have been for appearance only. Actions speak louder than words, and RWR’s action are most definitely NOT unifying.

If you aren’t following the RWR group think or dare to ask questions, you are an enemy. There are simply too many catty, difficult, drama girls. It very often felt like a high school clique rather than professional women working together to address problems in our community.

RWR’s highest leadership’s agenda is suspect. Just too many questions and inconsistencies. I’ll leave it at that.

A number of RWR claim that the 2020 election was fair and honest. Are you kidding me?! I see this as a clear indication that those members are in cahoots with those who wish to maintain fraudulent elections, or they are mainstream media brainwashed. They’ve also spoken about eliminating Washoe GOP’s Election Integrity Committee. There are rats in the henhouse.

Another example of RWR creating chaos and division is their handling of the Lincoln Day Dinner event. When RWR member #1, a losing candidate for the Washoe GOP Chair position, failed to show any progress in booking necessary services for the event with the date rapidly approaching, a Washoe GOP member volunteered to take over the organizing when no one else stepped forward. After several weeks of his hard work, substantial donations, and invitations for volunteer involvement and input, just days before the event, RWR member #2 summarily fired him via email for reasons never fully explained. No evidence has ever been provided to those of us wanting to understand why the firing was necessary. Coincidentally, this firing happened just hours after RWR member #2 had breakfasted with Laxalt and possibly another candidate.

RWR circled the wagons around the recently resigned Washoe GOP treasurer.

RWR President’s disingenuous calls for “unity,” while simultaneously attempting to create a coalition to oppose the Washoe GOP, usurp its position, and create division, are extremely counterproductive. These actions continue to this day.

The longer I think about it, the more examples I remember. Suffice it to say, the RWR is a RINO organization under RINO control. I can no longer be associated in any way with a club that is so obviously lost. – Anonymous


I am/are a member of RWR, but only attended two meetings…..that is how long it took me to figure out what a cliquish snotty bunch runs this group!  I do not feel their goal is to support the Washoe County GOP, but to RUN the Washoe GOP.  When Nicol lost the election for president, things got ugly in a hurry.  One can only wonder who is the source of the current chaos.  Her minions would have you believe it is Beadles, Penny Brock, or Nevada Liberty, but if you are discerning and take a step back, it becomes very clear who is at the center directing the swirl!!! -Momx4

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