America First

‘Unity Clowns’ at the Microphone: Episode 1

Spread the Liberty

Constitution of United States of America 1789: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

LIBERTY PROTIP: Focus on WCRCC members who call for the censorship of Nevada LibertyShare Anonymous Tips


The Swamp was out in full farce at the 23MAY22 WCRCC meeting. 

The Club Girls once again launched the latest episode of their soon to be canceled series, “Clowns at the Microphone.” The usual suspects delivered inconsequential minutiae as points of information so they could grandstand about absolute nonsense in an attempt to waste as much of everyone’s time as possible and then virtue signal about how lame the meeting was and blame Chairman Parks for everything. Spoiler alert! 

Republican Women of Reno President Nicole Herris aka Dear Leader, led the RINO charge in a churlish attempt to show WCRCC had no plan for the “proposed” budget, a blatantly false allegation. I do like her condescending cutesy minutiae moxie at the microphone. Very endearing! 

Cindy Martinez, once again delivered her personal resume infomercial, just in case you didn’t know she was a hard nosed crime stopper for years who… wait for it: was able to negotiate a few hundred bucks off a much smaller meeting room at Baldinis compared to the 400 capacity room at Boomtown. She waved Baldinis meeting room contract like a Clown World Flag trying to imply that Chairman Parks just won’t listen to her, which she’ll be the first to tell you is just so divisive.

Nope, that’s called virtue signaling Cindy, consider this your participation trophy! Martinez was forced to resign as WCRCC Vice Chair over attacks on Robert Beadles, and failed to get elected as State Committeeman. Do you need any more rope Cindy? 

Swamp creature Elizabeth Lenz, took her time at the microphone imploring the members to pass the hat for cash donations. Hey Elizabeth, in case you didn’t get the memo, your Club Girl Comrades alienated one of the most generous members after the Lincoln Day thingy. How about you pass the hat to the club girls and see if that totals .00000001% of what you ingrates could have had in the hat if y’all weren’t such petty tyrants? How about making a motion to audit the books Liz?  

Attention seeking RINO Ray Rocha (R3), surfaced at the microphone to slime Chairman Bruce Parks, accusing the Chairman of a conspiracy to not list information (that’s listed) on the GOP website, ignoring his voting rights and some other crazy crap about a false allegation against Robert Beadles. Later in the meeting R3 decided to attack all the gray haired members in the room as internet illiterates unable to plug in a computer. Winner, winner chicken dinner!

Now for the good news.. 

RINO Swamp Candidate and Political ‘Operative,’ Aaron F. Park, failed in his bid to capture the WCRCC Vice Chair.